Lab 4: Lens Test


-The image becomes very soft and less sharp the higher the f/stop in all three focal length

-My best f/stop across the three focal length is f/8.

- The 18mm has the best overall result when it comes to sharpness but it has the most distortion when it comes to the way the test sheet look.

- The 55mm has the less distortion out of the three focal length but isn't as good in sharpness compare to 18mm and 35mm

-Thus, the 35mm is the middle ground where the sharpness is decent and has less distortion

18mm- f/8- 0.5 sec-ISO100

18mm- f/22- 4 sec-ISO100

35mm- f/8- 0.3 sec -ISO100

35mm- f/29- 5 sec-ISO100

55mm- f/8- 0.5 sec-ISO100

55mm- f/36- 0.5 sec-ISO100


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